Medical / Clinical Population Based Research
Before large scale screening programs are established, a variety of research and pilot programs often run in advance.
These projects may be scientific research programs, to analyze the effects of a future screening program. RADventure has supported many scientific pilots for Colorectal Cancer Screening (the so called iColon and Cocos Trials). RADventure’s software has been instrumental in managing selections, randomizations, invitations and reminders, communicating results with laboratories, physicians and participants and providing secure and friendly environments to manage the data.
But pilot projects may have different purposes. Apart from the clinical value, open issues of a cultural, social, financial, technical and infrastructural nature may need to be resolved. RADventure will provide the ICT-infrastructure for such a pilot and even build a total infrastructure with its partners. Based on our combined extensive experience and expertise, we will consult on how to organize a pilot that is meaningful, resulting in a solid approach for an organisation that needs to run a screening program. Using business intelligence technology, performance and clinical indicators will be followed during the pilots. These indicators can be adjusted on the fly as intermediate results become available.
Finally, based on the similarities with screening programs and pilots, we are well equipped to support clinical trials in which many people need to participate.
For more information, please, refer to this page.