Software solution that supports all main processes that are involved in the company business: customers, contracts, clients and supplier administration, menu configuration, ordering process, purchase, meals production, logistics, distribution and invoicing
This solution can be used by employees but also external parties (customers/suppliers) can be granted access.
The Backoffice
The Backoffice provides a complete information administration for suppliers, customers and especially for clients.
There are many Product Lines for which employees can create menues and specify different products combination based on a diet and consistency combination.
The production is the most important activity and because of this, the Backoffice, based on the client’s preferences and orders, offers multiple reports in order to provide a complete support to the meal production process. Since cooking the correct meal for each client is the main goal, the production module provides a Final Check process which is responsible of making the required adjustments over the client’s orders.
When the production of meals is completed, then the last step in the business process begins, the meal delivery. The distribution process is based on a main distribution plan in which clients are put in the correct order into each route.
Finally, on each delivery day, distribution reports are generated including all clients for who meals should be delivered. There is also an automatic process which prints the next menu for each client included in this delivery.
In addition to these features, employees have available the Task System that provides a complete workflow for creating, assigning, resolving and verifying tasks. These tasks can be manually created by the employees or automatically generated by the system for specific events like when a new client is created.
The Webshop
The Backoffice solution is complemented by a Webshop which provides to customers a complete platform to add/edit orders and also to check their order history. This platform is also available for employees who also have access to additional administrative tools.