Again the RADventure Group contributes significantly to an important step forward in the continuous challenge of improving the Dutch Breast Cancer Screening Program
Today the RADventure Group is working on the continuation of MammoXL phase 1A that will lead to MammoXL phase 1B. The RADventure Group and the Dutch screening organization are ready to implement MammoXL phase 1B March 2015. Last year the RADventure Group launched the MammoXL phase 1A in order to make it easily possible for authorized hospital staff to view the images that were taken in the Dutch Breast Cancer Screening Program. This situation occurs if a woman was sent to the hospital for further research because of a possible abnormality. However something was missing; what if the previous images (called priors) are not in the hospital system because for example the last screening examination was fine and therefore the images were never sent exactly according to the protocol? A manual time consuming action has to be performed to get these images into the hospital PACS-system. The RADventure Group was asked to build a state of the art IT solution to automate this process. MammoXL phase 1B will make it possible for authorized hospital staff to fully automate the process of requesting and receiving the images that were taken during the Dutch Screening Program. This will save both hospital and screening organization staff a lot of manual work.