Since several years the Dutch Breast Cancer Screening is fully digitalized
The breast cancer screening program is separated from further care in hospital. When a client is referred from the breast cancer screening program to a hospital, the hospital often needs the images (priors) existing in the Breast Cancer Screening PACS. Originally this image-transfer was done using CD’s which were sent to the hospital if requested. The MAMMOXL project integrates the Breast Cancer Screening images from the national screening program and the hospital care using an IHE-XDS-I profile for transmural exchange of images. RADventure, together with Philips and ForCare implemented the technical infrastructure. Within the MammoXL environment XDS -I is used. The hospital, to which the client is referred, can ‘asks’ the images from the national screening program. Using a national registry the DICOM-images are automatically transferred to the Hospital PACS.